Building A Community of Photo Souls

Just for that reason I recently joined a group as one of the five founding photographers and instructors of Hold The Eye Images. I hadn’t expected to do anything like this ever. But the idea of sharing my ideas about creativity and fine art photography in a workshop setting, along with this group of highly skilled photographers and all-round great guys, was too exciting to pass up.

So what we are doing now is publishing the first round at “introductory pricing” hoping it will tantalize a few to join us. And when I say “a few,” I mean just that: our intention is to keep each of these workshops to only 12 participants because we want to make sure everybody gets the kind of personal attention that it takes to really absorb this stuff. (I’ve been in workshops that have many tens or hundreds and frankly they suck. The expertise demonstrated might be awesome but I leave wondering what I actually learned.) Plus, every Hold The Eye Images workshop participant will have the opportunity to have a personal critique of images s/he creates during the session, which is really a valuable proposition for an artist of any level.
Hold The Eye Images is located in a freshly-appointed and full-of-natural-light studio at 1044 Dell Avenue, Campbell, California, near Highways 17 and 85. We’ve got a range of studio lights and, this is what makes me drool, a humungous Epson 9900 printer.
And, maybe the most important thing that we are doing is building a community for photographers who want to be a part of something where they can learn, meet others, be inspired and have fun.
Labels: Hold The Eye Images, photography, workshops