dream! !joy truth! !soul

e.e. cummings has been an inspiration for me since I discovered him in the ‘60s. I learned from him that one can be creative in all kinds of exciting ways, and just following the muse down unexpected paths can lead to delightfully innovative output. Well, surely the process is fun, anyway. So, I’ve been exploring other media, and finally decided to start sharing some of these pieces in addition to my photo/digital work.
Today’s share is a drawing using an image of e.e. that I Photoshopped, printed on heavy stock at 8.5’ X 11”, and wrote and drew on using a silver pen, a black Sharpie and colored pencils. The handwritten text in silver is all from 73 Poems by e.e., including the title (which also serves as the title of this entry).
Oh yeah, the book I worked from is a hard back copy my mom gave me for Christmas in 1966 after I had talked about loving his work so much. I still love him, and indeed have a bit of one of his poems here above my studio desk, reminding me to just live life fully, and not spend so much time trying to figure it out first:
in time of daffodils who know
the goal of living is to grow
forgetting why
the goal of living is to grow
forgetting why
remember how
Labels: drawing, e.e. cummings, ee, poetry